The Mid Island Weavers and Spinners Guild met today and had an opportunity to meet Norah Curtis a designer of knit fabric and fashions. Norah brought pounds of yarn left over from past years designs and members had a chance to purchase as much as they wanted. Norah wore two of her designs a lime green knit jacket and a matching scarf.
Show and tells included dyed sock blanks, beautiful colorful tea towels, a knitting bracelet (it holds your ball of wool for you), socks being knit two at a time on double needles, two samples of spun yarn and knit swatches: one ply black alpaca and one ply Louet Northern Lights wool dyed in the Wild Iris colourway (see the picture on the left); and the other sample with two plies of black alpaca and one of Wild Iris. Both samples were worth doing full scale project with. One was more subtle than the other so it depends on what you want. Another stunning show and tell was a knitted shawl done with black alpaca with a touch of Firestar and knit in a lace pattern. This shawl will be going into the September Fibre Arts Showcase.Sorry we did not get enough pictures.
Show and Tell lineup (thanks to Darlene for keeping track):
Heather – Seaweed design/silk skirt; sock blank
Liz – Gotland Spun skein
Jeanette R – Elastic top, knit socks, 2 at a time on 2 needles
Margot – sock blank, knitted on 4 needles, two at a time
Jeanette B – knitter’s bracelet, 11” circular needle
Pauline – reported that she had warped her new loom
Francis D - colourful tea towels
Kathy – alpaca/Northern Lights spun and knit sample
Karin – Rippled variegated knit shawl; Lincoln home spun unplied.
Please check out the
Vancouver Island Fibre Arts Showcase website and get your entries in by May 15th..