Mid Island Weavers and Spinners (and other fibre enthusiasts) Guild

This is the Mid Island Weavers and Spinners (and other fibre enthusiasts) blog page. The group meets the first Wednesday of the month during the fall/winter/spring (September through to June). Meetings are now being held at the library downtown on Commercial St upstairs in their meeting room. Guests are welcome to come...bring your knitting, spinning wheel or other fibre addictions. Meetings usually consist of 5 minutes of business, show and tell (bring something), tea and cookies, and some sort of workshop, seminar or talk where you will learn something fibry and interesting.
We now have an email address: MIWSGuild at gmail.com

Monday, January 30, 2012

Introduction to Spinning on a Spindle

Learn the easiest way to spin...on a spindle. This Wednesday evening at the Mid Island Weavers and Spinners (aNd otHer fiBRe freAks) Guild meeting the program will focus on spindle spinning.
"Spinning on a wheel is quicker by the hour but spinning on a spindle is quicker by the month."  That's because you can always take a spindle with you in your purse, ready to put it to use at any moment to fend off boredom: spin on the ferry, spin in the car (not while driving), spin at the doctor's office, the airport, on a plane, on the beach...anywhere!.  If you have a spindle - bring it and if you have extra, please bring them so those without can give them a spin.  Liz (and others) will demonstrate a variety of spindles.  Wool will be provided and spindles will be available.
WARNING: Please be aware that spindle spinning can be addictive!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Linda Wallace
"Margaret of Austria without Issue",
The new issue of Fiber Art Now is out, and it has an Artist Profile on local tapestry weaver Linda Wallace.  The article is available here.  There is also an artists statement and biography on the American Tapestry Alliance with more pictures of her incredible work.  Check it out here.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

DreamSpin Spinning Retreat

The 9th Annual DreamSpin Spinning Retreat
Feb 10, 11 &12th, 2012
Cowichan Lake Outdoor Education Centre

Motel style accomodation $269
Dorm style $245
Meals included.  $25 deposit

Make your reservation soon as this fills up quickly.  Contact Sharon Pickard checkergrass @ yahoo.com, Box 146, Errington, V0R 1V0
This has been a Mid Island Weavers and Spinners Guild blog update. If you are reading this as an email, you should click here to see this item in its full glory, images and all: http://miwsguild.blogspot.com.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Distaff Day

Distaff Day - Traditionally, the day when spinners would pick up their distaffs and start spinning again.  Today it's a chance to spin and chat with other spinners.
January 7, 2012
From 10:00 am to 3:00 pm 
St. John’s Church Hall,
The Tzouhalem Spinners and Weavers Guild extend a ‘spinning’ invitation to their Annual Distaff Day on Saturday January 7, 2012
This event always proves to be an exciting day for the fibre artists with inspiring show and tell and an opportunity to visit and socialize, all with the spinning wheels flying.
Please bring a generous amount of food for the tasty potluck.
Suggested donation $3.00
This has been a Mid Island Weavers and Spinners Guild blog update. If you are reading this as an email, you should click here to see this item in its full glory, images and all: http://miwsguild.blogspot.com.