The Mid Island Weavers and Spinners (and other FibRe FReaKs) are hosting another 3rd Wednesday of the month spin-in on April 18th, 7p.m. in the basement of St. Paul’s Church downtown Nanaimo. The spin-in is open to anyone (a devious plot in which we hope to lure people into joining the MIWSGuild). Learn how to spin, spin your heart out, or just bring your favorite fibre or just come and knit and meet like-minded people.
The Guild now has a carder, so if you have some fleece you would like to card, feel free to bring it and use the carder.
This has been a Mid Island Weavers and Spinners Guild blog update. If you are reading this as an email, and can't see this in its full glory, click here to see this item in its full glory, images and all: http://miwsguild.