Meeting held on: April 4, 2018 at Saint Paul’s Church, Nanaimo
Call to order: 7:05
Guild Executive: Linda Van Os President
________________ Vice-President
Crystal Treasurer
Jeannette Secretary
Liz Web Master
Guild members in attendance: Margo, Liz, Heather, Margaret, Jeannette,Debbie, Joyce, Linda, Elspeth
- Who has the written guild policies/procedures?
- Membership list needs completing - Linda
TREASURER’S REPORT: not available
- Card sent to Anne Fiddick (room#26 G floor rehab): Elspeth
- Nettles Workshop: Liz
- Discussion with regards to “business” and what should/needs to be looked at/revised by the guild at the May AGM. Topics raised so far: book reports by members, monetary policies/procedures regarding program(s), job description for executive positions, equipment list updates, financial reporting monthly/quarterly, library inventory updates, bi-monthly business meetings ,hostess duties, adding a membership person to the executive.
A motion was made and seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:10 p.m.
The next meeting will be held on May 2, 2018
Hostesses for the May meeting will be Margo + Lynne.
Please remember that if you are unable to fulfill your duties as hostess to arrange with another guild member to take your place in advance of the meeting date.
Program for the May meeting: Joyce – beaded lace
Elspeth – twined baskets, handspun
Debbie – hand dyed/woven tea towels
Jeannette – knit baby sweater/booties/hat
Margaret – handspun
Margo – UFO felt to give away
Liz – boucle yarn samples
Heather – boucle handspun
Joyce – knit shawl (wingspan pattern), knit baby sac