Minutes of the MIWS Guild
September 4/13
Starting after 7pm we had
16 people present. Two guests included. Membership fees of
$20 were being taken by
our treasurer Crystal.
Talked about hosting the
next ANWG conference in 2015 or later and we discussed it and voted
NO to hosting it.
Eva Ryan Made a motion to
not host it and Jeannette Brooks seconded it.
We discussed getting in
touch with Kathy McDonald to see if we want to host a learning event
in the next few years. There is a $600 grant available to guilds who
are members or ANWG.
Treasurer's report We have
a little over 1000 in the account from the end of June. Didn’t get
the full amount but someone can fill it in when we have it. The
silent auction made $75 at our June pot luck.
Library news: Lynne
Vanderlinde very generously is giving her copies of the new Ply
magazine to the guild library. We also have two new issues of
Liz asked if a lady who is
in an old folks home who has had a stroke could use the guild table
loom and have someone come and assist her to re learn weaving after a
Hostess List was passed
around and so was the programme list which will be a separate
Eva moved we adjourn the
meeting at 7:36 and Fiona seconded the motion.
Show and Tell
Forgot we ususally put
names in a bag from show and tell and one gets a memebership free. We
had a raffle prize which margo Turner won.
Liz Kaarrema showed her
spun samples of all different animals and plant material including
Fiona Ballard had suffered
form pneumonia for part of the simmer so she wasn’t able to do much
but knit. She had about nine beautiful items that she had knit Some
phenomenal lace knit Shawls.
Claire Ballard, Fiona’s
sister in law visiting from England / Ireland had lots to show. Some
felted vessels and some great needle-felted tiny teddy bears and