Mid Island Weavers and Spinners (and other fibre enthusiasts) Guild

This is the Mid Island Weavers and Spinners (and other fibre enthusiasts) blog page. The group meets the first Wednesday of the month during the fall/winter/spring (September through to June). Meetings are now being held at the library downtown on Commercial St upstairs in their meeting room. Guests are welcome to come...bring your knitting, spinning wheel or other fibre addictions. Meetings usually consist of 5 minutes of business, show and tell (bring something), tea and cookies, and some sort of workshop, seminar or talk where you will learn something fibry and interesting.
We now have an email address: MIWSGuild at gmail.com

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Minutes of October 1st meeting

We had no programme as no one had volunteered to do one so had a great show and tell.
Fifteen people present and nice to see some that hadn’t been in a long time.

Knit Scene in Vancouver this weekend had 3 members going.

Old business
Our every second year Fibre Stash sale is March 21st next year. Since the hall will not be available. as it is being re built .the sale will be at the Cedar Hall.

Fiona is going to look into the Coastal Community Credit Union portable ATM machine to have on site at the sale.

Vancouver Guild has a free lecture on October 16th- one could get details from their site.

ANWG (Association of North West Weavers) is looking fore help for the Conference to be held in Victoria in June 2017

New Business
Eleventh annual Dream Spin is going to be held at Cowichan Lake again this February 13,14,15th More information to come or email Jeanette Roberts.

We need to get more tea etc. Treasurer wasn’t there to give the tea money to. We used to get money from the raffle. I have bought something for next months raffle.

Lots of great show and tell but I did not take notes this time. Anne Fiddick is involved with a Country Christmas Sale November 22 at 2745 Munroe Road near the millstone River Bridge from 10 am to 3pm in the barn.

Hostesses for the rest of the year.
November- Autumn and Lynne
December- pot luck
January-Crystal and Joyce
February-Sharon Fiona and Debbie
March-Kathy and Isabel
May- Betty and Jeannette B.

November- Julie doing Shawl pins
December- pot luck
January-need volunteer
February-need volunteer
March-Liz- Salish Spinning
April-need someone
May-need someone

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't find a contact button ....do you have a list of equipment for sale? I'm looking for an old spool rack (or just the pins!). Thanks
