Mid Island Weavers and Spinners (and other fibre enthusiasts) Guild

This is the Mid Island Weavers and Spinners (and other fibre enthusiasts) blog page. The group meets the first Wednesday of the month during the fall/winter/spring (September through to June). Meetings are now being held at the library downtown on Commercial St upstairs in their meeting room. Guests are welcome to come...bring your knitting, spinning wheel or other fibre addictions. Meetings usually consist of 5 minutes of business, show and tell (bring something), tea and cookies, and some sort of workshop, seminar or talk where you will learn something fibry and interesting.
We now have an email address: MIWSGuild at gmail.com

Friday, December 12, 2014

DreamSpin 2015

Spin spin spin spin! All day, all night.

DreamSpin 2015 details are out.  Here's a link to the webpage with details and a registration form: DreamSpin 2015.
This has been a Mid Island Weavers and Spinners Guild blog update. If you are reading this as an email, and can't see this in its full glory (i.e there is a pretty picture on this page), click here to see this item in its full glory, images and all: http://miwsguild.blogspot.com

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Tapestry Weaving Course

I have just organized Archie and Susan's 4 day session here at the cabin. Limited to 10 people each session.
A special house has been rented for the nights for you and we will have the great Sarah Auker
available to cook for us our main dinners.
Two separate sessions are set for April 23,24,25.26 first session
April 30 May 1,2 and 3 2nd session
Cost is $560.00
This includes all loom use,materials,and dinners..and house.
Transportation available from Portland as needed. Pick up from airport can be arranged too.
If coming a day early or staying in Portland to see the sights a place for you at the Lion and the Rose Bed and Breakfast can be booked. You must book it through me for your time as they give me a really special discount.This is an extra expense that will be figured as the time nears.
I have contacted you all first before the info goes to the ATA ad and listing in the ATA directory.. and to the other Divines as you are all in a special study group!
Many of the later in the year retreats are also arranged…mostly influenced by our dear Laurie who will be out here for the Focus on Book Arts event in June.
June 19,20,21 $350.00
July five day retreat  the 22,23,24,25,26th   $450.oo
August 14,15,16,17,18th $450

Isn't this great?
Love from Pam

Minutes for the meeting of the Guild

Minutes for the meeting of the Guild December 3/2014

We did not have show and tell-we had Pot luck so had lots of food to eat.

We started at 6 with the pot luck and then at 7pm:

Kathy McDonald and Anne Fiddick conducted a discussion on our Mid Island Weavers and Spinners Guild Sale which is to Be Saturday March 21/ 2015
at the Cedar Community Hall 9:30 to 3:30
Some discussion on ending at 3?

It will cost us $150 Anne made the motion to spend the $150 for the hall and Crystal seconded it.

The tables will be $30 and non refundable.

Set up time 8 am and open at 9:30 We had a motion to go until 2pm. Betty made the motion and Julie seconded it.

We may have the quilt batts from Birkland Brothers. If we do we will have them at the sale and have a silent auction with sealed bids. Minimum bid $25. Highest bid gets it. Kathy made the motion for having a sealed bid and Crystal seconded it.

The Guild will have two tables-one for information and for the batts and the other will be for a Guild table that will take commission on what we sell.

We had a discussion about it being open to all or otherwise fibre related. I think we decided that as longs people knew that it was fibre related and the customers would be fibre related people it was okay.

We will need at least two tables for food. Guild members can provide the goodies.