Mid Island Weavers and Spinners (and other fibre enthusiasts) Guild

This is the Mid Island Weavers and Spinners (and other fibre enthusiasts) blog page. The group meets the first Wednesday of the month during the fall/winter/spring (September through to June). Meetings are now being held at the library downtown on Commercial St upstairs in their meeting room. Guests are welcome to come...bring your knitting, spinning wheel or other fibre addictions. Meetings usually consist of 5 minutes of business, show and tell (bring something), tea and cookies, and some sort of workshop, seminar or talk where you will learn something fibry and interesting.
We now have an email address: MIWSGuild at gmail.com

Monday, December 4, 2017

I have not been able to post October or November minutes on the blogg as Windows 10 disappears emails. The last two meetings have been in another smaller room in the church hall but Wednesday we are back to the same room we have been meeting in.

Hello everyone,

Just a reminder that this Wednesday is our guild meeting and it is the December potluck meeting!!

We start at 6:00 p.m.

- Jeannette has volunteered to do the silent Auction, so if you have any items to donate, please bring them with you.

- Jeannette has volunteered to do a game.

- Anne has volunteered to bring the punch.

- I will bring the tablecloths.

- There will be a gift exchange for those who wish to participate.

AND everyone is requested to bring something to eat for the POTLUCK.

See you all on Wednesday in the large room downstairs.


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