Mid Island Weavers and Spinners (and other fibre enthusiasts) Guild

This is the Mid Island Weavers and Spinners (and other fibre enthusiasts) blog page. The group meets the first Wednesday of the month during the fall/winter/spring (September through to June). Meetings are now being held at the library downtown on Commercial St upstairs in their meeting room. Guests are welcome to come...bring your knitting, spinning wheel or other fibre addictions. Meetings usually consist of 5 minutes of business, show and tell (bring something), tea and cookies, and some sort of workshop, seminar or talk where you will learn something fibry and interesting.
We now have an email address: MIWSGuild at gmail.com

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Okanogan Fibre Event

Good Morning Fiber Enthusiasts!

Spring has arrived, lambs, crias and kids are being born daily, and we are exactly 2 months away from the Okanogan Valley Fiber Festival.  It's a very busy time of year, but we hope that you will take some time out to come and visit us at the Agriplex on May 30-31, and experience the beautiful Okanogan Valley in all it's springtime glory.

This is just a reminder that we still have some spaces left in our workshops, and if you sign up before the end of April, you can take advantage of the early bird discount.  Also, we now have all the details on the fleece grading and sorting up on our web site.  We are particularly excited about this part of our event, as it is the first time that we know of that a regional sort (fleece sorting and grading) has been done in a fiber festival setting.  This is an opportunity for anyone who raises fiber animals (sheep, alpaca, goat or rabbit) to have their fleeces professionally evaluated, with the opportunity to sell them on site.  In order to be as efficient as possible, we are require pre-registration for fleeces to guarantee evaluation.  Last minute fleeces will only be done if there is time.  All the information is on our web site: www.okfiberfest.org.

We will be contacting you again with more updates on the Festival, and our web site is updated frequently.  Please check it out, make your plans now, and forward this message to all of your fiber-loving friends!

the OVFA planning crew

P.S. For all you Facebook users out there, we have an event page:  https://www.facebook.com/events/741292199300950/
Let us know if you're coming, and share with other Facebook friends.

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